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Our Maxim

Our Maxim

Our sustainability policy isn’t just about ecology, it also extends to the social and economic environments. (Dr Peter Mrosik, owner and CEO)

Your window to a better world.

Our objective is to gear up our entire organisation for a sustainable future. We take a holistic approach to sustainability that doesn’t only focus on ecology but also extends to the social and economic environments. We want to protect the climate and our oceans with our products and production processes. Our intelligent recycling concept is exemplary. And we take our social responsibility for people and society very seriously. Make a difference with us and our premium windows.

Dr. Peter Mrosik

Our entire organisation shall be sustainable and we strive to support the community with our corporate social responsibility activities.

Closed-loop recycling.

We are a founding member of an industry initiative to recycle old PVC-U windows on a closed-loop basis. The PVC-U profiles from the old windows are ground into pellets that are combined with high-quality new input material to make attractive new windows.

No lead-based stabilisers.

In 2004 we introduced our greenline principles and discontinued the use of lead-based stabilisers in our PVC-U profiles, replacing them with more eco-friendly calcium-zinc-based stabilisers. With this initiative we are one of the pioneers of hazardous substance-free products in the construction sector.

Climate protection.

Our products satisfy high energy efficiency standards. PVC-U windows are sustainable, contribute to reducing carbon emissions and have a long lifespan. Around 40% of our planet’s gas and oil reserves are used to supply buildings with energy and heat. Our modern, high-tech windows reduce building energy and heat requirements.

The goal: clean oceans

Plastic waste poses one of the biggest threats to marine life. We are committed to finding sustainable solutions to the plastic waste problem, and we were the first company in the window industry to obtain ‘Zero Pellet Loss’ certification.

Helping people.

We get involved in projects that make a real difference to people’s lives. In our role as main sponsor of the Mainz 05 Bundesliga football club, we also support initiatives around the globe that inspire people – especially young people – to get involved in sports and benefit from the many positive social effects. Our employees and partners around the world are contributing to making the world a better place in projects of all sizes. It isn’t the quantity but the quality of ideas that make a difference. 

Sustainability is all about giving future generations the same opportunities in life that we have.

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