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New marketing tool for window manufacturers: The energy saving calculator from Kömmerling

The new energy saving calculator from Kömmerling has been available as a helpful marketing and sales tool since September. It provides window companies with a valuable tool for attracting new customers in the current market phase and boosting the renovation business.

Kömmerling's energy saving calculator is particularly user-friendly. It calculates the potential savings in heating costs, fuel and CO2 emissions for periods of one, ten and 30 years. Consumers can choose between the two most commonly used types of heating in the renovation sector, oil and natural gas heating.

Entering the window area in square meters and the zip code of the place of residence is sufficient to determine the values and the heating days in the regional zone required for the calculation. The window area can either be entered manually or is estimated based on the size of the living area. The energy saving calculator uses climate maps from measuring stations to determine an average of heating days in the region in recent years.

The result of the analysis is displayed in clear graphics and can also be saved as a PDF or printed. The tool is therefore not only suitable for consultations with window manufacturers, but is also helpful support for own planning work.

Support for renovation business

Kömmerling's energy saving calculator was specially developed to support consumers in making the decision to replace their windows. It complements the ongoing campaign "Energy-saving windows from Kömmerling", which aims to convince those interested in renovation of the advantages of replacing windows.

Regional window companies are offered the opportunity to partially adapt the energy saving calculator and the campaign to their wishes.

The tool can be customized as a menu item on the partner company's website and can easily be integrated as a web component into any common website.

profine GmbH will soon make this service available to all window manufacturing partners in Germany and internationally to the national group subsidiaries for marketing and sales promotion measures.

“In view of the declining new construction business, concentrating on the energy-efficient renovation of existing buildings offers a solution to compensate for the decline. The energy saving calculator can be an extremely valuable tool for window companies in order to attract customers and interested parties," explains Sven Zeller from profine's e-business division.

The new energy saving calculator can be found on the Kömmerling website under the topic “Energy Saving” under this link.

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Sven Zeller
Sven Zeller
Marketing Manager eBusiness
Corporate Marketing (CM)

Tel +49 6331 56-2311